Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Why is Ron Jeremy on The Hour?

Perhaps the show ran out of worthwhile guests like Noam Chomsky and David Suzuki.

Maybe producers worried that the host's tattoos and piercings no longer sufficed to appeal to their "hip," "young" "viewer" demographic (yes, the scare quotes suggest that I believe the hour's target demo is neither hip, young, nor viewing the show).

Whatever its genesis, the segment featuring this notorious porn star was completely ground-unbreaking and envelope-unpushing. George opened with vitriolic letters from enraged neo-cons (isn't it funny how they always misappropriate feminist terminology when attemping to sound like legitimate dissent, when really their arguments boil down to: sexx
=drrty?) and claimed that the majority of mail received was overwhelmingly supportive. The rest of the piece was what you'd expect from a Maxim-reading, hetero fanboy. ZZzz.

I was about to launch into a diatribe against the "adult film" industry, but luckily Ron Jeremy saved me the effort: he says, "porn's not degrading to women...I work for women!" Well! Thank you SO much for clearing that up! I thought the only problem with the pornography industry is that there were no female bosses. Now I can pack up for the night and head to my (non-heart-shaped, non-satin-sheet-covered) bed.

A clip from The Hour's website

Incidentally, the programme opened with The New Pornographers' "Use It." I just learned a couple months ago that the band took its name from what televangelist Jimmy Swaggert dubbed popular music. A little less racy than on first impression.


Anonymous said...

Just a thought, but after day in and day out of guests such as Noam Chomsky and David Suzuki, amongst others (probably popping by on their world tour of Knowledge and Opinion), isn't it nice for some fluff? You can only flip through your Britannica collection for so long before you need to break it up with some…let’s see, Maxim magazine.

The world also doesn’t revolve around the elite minds of the world. Us dumbasses do use archaic technology, such as the radio, from time to time, and Snuggleupagus may have gotten a new listener if I heard from a Ron Jeremy. Is he any different then a Donald Trump? I’d argue no, but I don’t have enough space to justify it.

Jayney said...

It was on TV, dude! His Royal Greasiness, live and in colour!

Besides, nobody reads Maxim anymore; all it's used for is a benchmark by which to measure the decline of other men's magazines (i.e. "Before it went belly up, Toro magazine got totally Maxim" or "Why do I keep buying my dad a subscription to Old Dude's Maxim, a.k.a. Men's Health?" Seriously, why?)

April Reign (aka Debra) said...

Thank you SO much for clearing that up! I thought the only problem with the pornography industry is that there were no female bosses. Now I can pack up for the night and head to my (non-heart-shaped, non-satin-sheet-covered) bed.